average standard
1HSK: Level 4B: Standard Course: Textbook (+ MP3) , Jiang Liping, Zhang Jun, Dong Zheng (2014)
This book is suitable for learners of Chinese language who have learnt 110 learning hours, have mastered the 600 terms included in HSK level 1, level 2 and level 3 syllabus and are preparing for HSK… 2551 руб2The Intelligent REIT Investor. How to Build Wealth with Real Estate Investment Trusts , Stephanie Krewson-Kelly
The go-to guide for smart REIT investing The Intelligent REIT Investor is the definitive guide to real estate investment trusts, providing a clear, concise resource for individual investors… 1947.93 руб электронная книга3Keelest ja meelest , Uku Masing (2011)
"Keelest ja meelest" ning "Taevapõdra lood" ("Taevapõdra rahvaste meelest ehk juttu boreaalsest hoiakust") moodustavad terviku. Neid ei ühenda mitte ainult boreaalse mentaliteedi uurimine, vaid ka… 505.5 руб электронная книга4Style and Statistics. The Art of Retail Analytics , Brittany Bullard
A non-technical guide to leveraging retail analytics for personal and competitive advantage Style&Statistics is a real-world guide to analytics in retail. Written specifically for the non-IT crowd… 3248.72 руб электронная книга5The Selection Process of Biomass Materials for the Production of Bio-Fuels and Co-firing , N. Altawell
A functional discussion of the crop selection process for biomass energy The Selection Process of Biomass Materials for the Production of Bio-fuels and Co-firing provides a detailed examination and… 10068.11 руб электронная книга6Time Series. Applications to Finance with R and S-Plus , Ngai Chan Hang
A new edition of the comprehensive, hands-on guide to financial time series, now featuring S-Plus® and R software Time Series: Applications to Finance with R and S-Plus®, Second Edition is designed… 11238.83 руб электронная книга