1A New Silurian (Llandovery, Telychian) Sponge Assemblage from Gotland, Sweden , Freek Rhebergen
A newly discovered, diverse sponge fauna of early Silurian age, is described from Gotland, Sweden. This is the first Silurian sponge assemblage known from Baltica, and the only diverse Llandoverian… 1853.49 руб электронная книга2Learning the City. Knowledge and Translocal Assemblage , Colin McFarlane
Learning the City: Translocal Assemblage and Urban Politics critically examines the relationship between knowledge, learning, and urban politics, arguing both for the centrality of learning for… 2181.42 руб электронная книга3An address delivered at their tent, before the Dorchester Agricultural Society, and a large assemblage of the citizens of Dorchester, and some of the adjoining... and fair held in Cambridge, November 2, 1837 , Muse Joseph E (2011)
Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по… 1639 руб4A lecture on Jainism, delivered before the Bharma Maha-Mahotsava or Great Religious Assemblage at Muttra, on 29th December, 1901 , Dass Lala Benarsi (2011)
Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по… 686 руб5Social Structures and Natural Systems. Is a Scientific Assemblage Workable? , Georges Guille-Escuret
Trapped between the caricatured causalities of biological determinism and the sinister abdications of sociological relativism, socio-ecological interdisciplinarity stagnates. It has lost sight of the… 13580.25 руб электронная книга6Unbridaled: The Marriage of Tradition and Avant Garde , John Armstrong (2008)
"UNBRIDALED" is a visual primer for the modern bride. An initiative by CRYSTALLIZED&# 226;&# 162;&# 226; Swarovski Elements, the product brand for loose cut crystal manufactured by Swarovski, the… 3390 руб7The Criminal Prosecution And Capital Punishment Of Animals , E. P. Evans (1906)
A Pioneering Work In English, Bringing Together A Most Amazing Assemblage Of Court Cases In Which Animals (Chickens, Rats, Field Mice, Bees, And Pigs) Have Been Named As Defendants, Providing Much… 1315 руб8Wearable Art: Accessories&Jewelry 1900-2000 , Pina Leslie (1999)
From one-of-a-kind, hand-made fashions, accessories, and jewelry to commercially made, highly decorative items, wearable art has become an important category for collectors of vintage costume and… 4803 руб9Schuss , Boileau-Narcejac (1997)
"On peut nous imiter, murmure-t-il. Je ne suis pas seul a travailler sur ce ski. Je suis bien oblige d'avoir des collaborateurs, au laboratoire, a l'atelier d'assemblage, bref, tout le long de la… 814 руб10Annette Messager , Grenier Catherine (2013)
The definitive monograph of Annette Messager, covering her multifaceted oeuvre from immersive installations to intricate taxidermy, now updated and expanded in collaboration with the artist. Annette… 3733 руб