Strip of forage

  • 121maraud — v 1. pirate, freeboot, buccaneer, privateer, filibuster; seize, capture, steal, thieve, carry off, rape. 2. plunder, despoil, Archaic. spoil, spoliate, pillage; ravage, harry, devastate, depredate; ransack, sack, loot, gut, fleece, strip, rifle;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 122pirate — n 1. sea robber, sea rover, sea dog, sea wolf; Blackbeard, Captain Kidd, Long John Silver. 2. viking, corsair, buccaneer, privateer; freebooter, rapparee, (in the Scottish Highlands) cateran; kidnapper, abductor, (usu. of cattle) rustler,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 123plunder — v 1. rob, despoil, Archaic. spoil, spoliate, pillage, Chiefly Scot. reive; ravage, harry, rape, maraud, devastate, depredate; ransack, sack, loot, gut, fleece, strip, rifle; raid, foray, forage, prey on or upon; lay waste, desolate, wreak havoc… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 124raid — n 1. attack, assault, onset, onslaught; incursion, invasion, inroad, razzia, irruption; intrusion, encroachment, trespass, (by police) Sl. bust; foray, charge, thrust, sortie, sally; expedition, operation, encounter, offensive, skirmish. 2. sack …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 125rob — v 1. burglarize, burgle, Inf. hold up, Sl. stick up, Sl. heist, break in; assault, strong arm, Inf. mug, Sl. jump, Sl. roll. 2. steal, thieve, pilfer, purloin, finger, filch, Inf. snitch, cabbage, abstract, Chiefly Brit. prig, Euph. borrow;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 126sack — I n 1. bag, pouch, Midland U.S. and Scot. poke, Chiefly Scot. pocket, Obs. budget; pack, packet, satchel; purse, grip, valise, carpetbag; saddlebag, Southwestern U.S. alforja; backpack, knapsack, kit bag, haversack, rucksack; gunnysack, gunny bag …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 127spoliate — v 1. plunder, rob, despoil, Archaic. spoil, pillage, Chiefly Scot. reive; ravage, harry, rape, maraud, depredate; ransack, sack, loot, gut, fleece, strip, rifle; raid, foray, forage, prey on or upon. 2. devastate, lay waste, desolate, wreak havoc …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 128plunder — [n] something stolen booty, goods*, graft, hot goods*, loot, make*, pickings*, pillage, plunderage, prey, prize, quarry, rapine, raven, spoil, stuff*, take*, trappings*, winnings*; concept 710 Ant. gift plunder [v] ravage, steal appropriate, burn …

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