Put on the shelf
1put on the shelf — put (something) on the shelf to delay something. The library s plan to show three films next week has been put on the shelf …
2put on the shelf — put (someone) on the shelf to cause someone not to be available. A sore left knee put him on the shelf for two weeks, and he has missed six games …
3put something on the shelf — put (something) on the shelf to delay something. The library s plan to show three films next week has been put on the shelf …
4put someone on the shelf — put (someone) on the shelf to cause someone not to be available. A sore left knee put him on the shelf for two weeks, and he has missed six games …
5Shelf (computing) — The Shelf is an interface feature in NeXTSTEP and OPENSTEP, and is used as a repository to store links to commonly used files, directories and programs, and as a temporary holding place to move/copy files and directories around in the file system …
6on the shelf — {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} Laid aside; not useful anymore. * /When a girl grows up, she puts childish habits on the shelf./ * /Mr. Myron s company put him on the shelf when he reached the age of 65./ …
7on the shelf — {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} Laid aside; not useful anymore. * /When a girl grows up, she puts childish habits on the shelf./ * /Mr. Myron s company put him on the shelf when he reached the age of 65./ …
8on the shelf — 1. mod. not active socially; left to oneself in social matters. □ I’ve been on the shelf long enough. I’m going to make some friends. □ She likes being on the shelf. 2. mod. postponed. (See also on the back burner.) □ We’ll have to put this… …
9on\ the\ shelf — adv or adj. phr. informal Laid aside; not useful anymore. When a girl grows up, she puts childish habits on the shelf. Mr. Myron s company put him on the shelf when he reached the age of 65 …
10on the shelf — 1) unlikely to find a partner or get married, usually because of being too old In those days, women were considered to be on the shelf at 25. 2) not being used or discussed at the present time Can we put that suggestion on the shelf for now? …