Offer proffer

  • 91administer — I. v. a. 1. Dispense, give, distribute, supply, contribute, deal out, give out, afford, furnish. 2. Direct, manage, conduct, control, superintend, preside over. 3. Tender, offer, proffer. II. v. n. 1. Contribute, conduce, be helpful. [With to.] 2 …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 92propound — verb exactly what solution are you propounding? Syn: put forward, advance, offer, proffer, present, set forth, submit, tender, suggest, introduce, postulate, propose, pose, posit; advocate, promote, peddle, spread …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 93put — verb 1) she put the parcel on a chair Syn: place, set (down), lay (down), deposit, position, settle; leave, plant; informal stick, dump, park, plonk, plunk, pop 2) he didn t want to be put in a category …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 94render — verb 1) her fury rendered her speechless Syn: make, cause to be/become, leave 2) rendering assistance Syn: give, provide, supply, furnish, contribute; offer, proffer 3) …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 95submit — verb 1) she submitted under duress Syn: give in/way, yield, back down, cave in, capitulate; surrender, knuckle under Ant: resist, defy 2) he refused to submit to their authority Syn …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 96afford — *give, confer, bestow, present, donate Analogous words: *offer, proffer: *furnish: *grant, accord Antonyms: deny (something one wants, asks, hopes for) pm4]Contrasted words: withhold, hold, hold back (see KEEP): refuse, * …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 97nominate — *designate, name, elect, appoint Analogous words: propose, *intend, mean, purpose: present, tender, *offer, proffer …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 98prefer — 1 *choose, select, elect, opt, pick, cull, single Analogous words: accept, *receive, admit, take: *approve, endorse, sanction: favor, *oblige, accommodate 2 *offer, proffer, tender, pr …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 99show — vb 1 Show, manifest, evidence, evince, demonstrate are comparable when they mean to reveal something outwardly by or as if by a sign or to serve to make something outwardly apparent or visible. Show implies enabling others to see, but in this… …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 100tender# — tender adj Tender, compassionate, sympathetic, warm, warmhearted, responsive are comparable when they mean expressing or expressive of feeling that reveals affectionate interest in another especially in his joys, sorrows, or welfare. Tender… …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms