
  • 51enhance — v 1. intensify, magnify, amplify, heighten; increase, make greater, Chiefly Literary. greaten; enrich, strengthen, deepen, darken; reinforce, double, redouble. 2. augment, elevate, aggrandize, raise, boost, escalate, Inf. jack up, hike …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 52enlarge — v 1. increase, augment, add to, supplement; double, triple, treble, quadruple, multiply; magnify, amplify, make greater or larger or bigger, aggrandize, Chiefly Literary. greaten; expand, extend, distend, stretch, spread; widen, broaden, heighten …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 53expand — v 1. increase, enlarge, make larger, make bigger, make greater, Chiefly Literary. greaten, aggrandize; magnify, amplify, enhance, deepen, heighten; widen, thicken, broaden; lengthen, prolong, protract; extend, spread, outspread, spread out,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 54extend — v 1. spread, outspread, spread out, branch out, Mil. deploy; unfold, unfurl, stretch out, draw out, straighten out, open; stretch, spread, sprawl; reach, run, range. 2. offer, proffer, submit; grant, give, bestow, confer, impart, present; hold… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 55fortify — v 1. defend, protect, Fort. circumvallate; garrison, shelter, safeguard, cover, guard. 2. brace, shore up, buttress, reinforce; back, line, underline; harden, stiffen, stuff; temper, steel, indurate. 3. strengthen, embolden, empower; quicken,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 56heighten — v 1. elevate, raise, lift up, uplift, upraise; exalt, glorify, deify, idolize, idealize, put on a pedestal. 2. increase, augment, add to, supplement, build up, reinforce, strengthen; improve, ameliorate, meliorate, enhance, enrich, add color to,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 57increase — v 1. enlarge, make larger, make greater, Chiefly Literary. greaten, aggrandize; magnify, amplify, enhance, deepen, heighten; widen, thicken, broaden; lengthen, prolong, protract; expand, extend, spread out, stretch out, branch out; inflate,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 58inflate — v 1. dilate, distend, overdistend, Obs. suf flate, aerate; swell, bloat, puff out, blow up, pump up, tumefy; expand, overexpand, stretch, stretch out, outstretch; spread, spread out, outspread; grow, wax, fill out, fatten. 2. increase, enlarge,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 59magnify — v 1. increase, enlarge, expand, aggrandize, greaten, amplify; augment, add to, build up; widen, broaden, distend, develop. 2. exaggerate, hyperbolize, overstate, overemphasize; color, embroider, enlarge upon; overreact, blow up, blow out of… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 60maximize — v 1. increase, enlarge, expand, aggrandize, greaten, amplify, magnify; augment, add to, build up, develop; widen, broaden, distend, inflate, fill out; elongate, protract, draw out, lengthen, stretch. 2. emphasize, overemphasize, play up, overplay …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder