Gloss over

  • 31gloss — I. /glɒs / (say glos) noun 1. a superficial lustre: gloss of satin. 2. an external show; specious appearance. 3. an artfully misleading interpretation. –verb (t) 4. to put a gloss upon. –phrase 5. gloss over, to give a specious interpretation of; …

  • 32gloss — Synonyms and related words: abuse of terms, acting, affectation, afterglow, air glow, alibi, allowance, amplification, analysis, annotate, annotation, apology, apparatus criticus, appearance, apply paint, attitudinizing, bedaub, bedizen, begild,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 33gloss — I 1. noun 1) the gloss of her hair Syn: shine, sheen, luster, gleam, patina, brilliance, shimmer See note at polish 2) beneath the gloss of success Syn …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 34gloss — [glɒs] noun I 1) [singular/U] the shiny surface of something 2) [U] gloss paint 3) [C] a short explanation of what something means II verb [T] gloss [glɒs] to give an explanation of a word or a piece of writing • gloss over sth …

    Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • 35gloss — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a surface shine or lustre. b an instance of this; a smooth finish. 2 a deceptively attractive appearance. b an instance of this. 3 (in full gloss paint) paint formulated to give a hard glossy finish (cf. MATT). make glossy.… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 36gloss — I n 1. shine, polish, luster, sheen, brightness, glitter, shimmer, glow, luminousness; glaze, varnish, veneer, lacquer, enamel, japan. 2. front, facade, camouflage, mask, disguise; pretense, masquerade, deceptive show, show, surface, semblance,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 37gloss — noun the gloss of her hair Syn: shine, sheen, lustre, gleam, patina, polish, brilliance, shimmer Phrases: gloss over …

    Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • 38gloss — I. n. 1. Comment, note, explanation, interpretation, scholium, annotation, commentary. 2. Pretext, pretence, specious plea. 3. Lustre, polish, shining surface, sheen. II. v. n. Comment, make notes, make explanatory remarks. III. v. a. 1. Varnish …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 39gloss — [n1] shine, sheen appearance, brightness, brilliance, burnish, facade, finish, front, glaze, gleam, glint, glossiness, luster, polish, shimmer, silkiness, sleekness, slickness, surface, varnish, veneer; concepts 611,620 Ant. dullness gloss [n2]… …

    New thesaurus

  • 40gloss — gloss1 [glôs, gläs] n. [prob. < Scand, as in Norw dial. glosa, to gleam: for IE base see GLASS] 1. the brightness or luster of a smooth, polished surface; sheen 2. a deceptively smooth or pleasant outward appearance, as in manners or speech 3 …

    English World dictionary