Flour or meal

  • 41flour — n 1. meal, ground or bolted meal, ground or bolted wheat, bran, farina. v 2. pulverize, mill, grind and bolt. 3. powder, dust, sprinkle, speckle …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 42meal — I n 1. repast, collation, refection, banquet, feast, Inf. feed; breakfast, brunch, lunch, luncheon, Fr. dejeuner, Fr. dejeuner a la fourchette, Brit. tiffin, supper, dinner; tea, snack, bite; picnic, barbecue, cookout, clambake, Fr. fite… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 43flour — Synonyms and related words: abrade, air pollution, alabaster, atomize, attritus, beat, besprinkle, bran, bray, bread, brecciate, chalk, comminute, contriturate, cosmic dust, crumb, crumble, crush, disintegrate, dot, dredge, driven snow, dust,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 44meal — Synonyms and related words: C ration, K ration, air pollution, allotment, allowance, attritus, barley, bird seed, board, bran, breakfast, carry too far, cat food, chicken feed, chop, chow, collation, commons, consume, corn, cosmic dust, crumb,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 45meal — miːl n. repast; regular time of day when food is eaten; food eaten at regular times during the day; feast; flour, coarsely ground grain …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 46meal — n. 1. Repast, collation. 2. Flour, grain in powder …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 47meal offering — noun : a vegetable sacrifice among the ancient Israelites consisting of flour and salt usually mingled with oil and frankincense …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 48Almond meal — or almond flour is made from ground sweet almonds. Almond flour is usually made with blanched almonds (no skin), whereas almond meal can be made both with whole or blanched almonds. The consistency is more like corn meal than wheat flour.It is… …


  • 49rock flour — noun : finely powdered rock material produced by grinding action (as of a glacier on its bed) called also glacial meal * * * rock flour noun Finely divided rock material, such as is found under glaciers • • • Main Entry: ↑rock * * * rock flour …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 50bran flour — smulkintos maistinės sėlenos statusas Aprobuotas sritis duonos ir miltiniai gaminiai apibrėžtis Perdirbant grūdus gaunamas antrinis produktas, sudarytas dažniausiai iš smulkintų luobelių ir aleurono sluoksnio, atitinkantis maisto produktams… …

    Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)