Dim light

  • 1dim light — light which is not strong, light with is not bright …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 2Let Your Dim Light Shine — Studio album by Soul Asylum Released June 6, 1995 …


  • 3Let Your Dim Light Shine — Álbum de Soul Asylum Publicación 6 de junio de 1995 Grabación 1994 1995 Género(s) rock alternativo Duración 49:59 …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 4dim — dim1 [dim] adj. dimmer, dimmest [ME < OE, akin to ON dimmr, dark < IE base * dhem , to be dusty, misty > DAMP, Ger dunkel, dark] 1. not bright; somewhat dark 2. not clear or distinct in character; lacking definition, distinction,… …

    English World dictionary

  • 5light — light1 [līt] n. [ME liht < OE lēoht, akin to Ger licht < IE base * leuk , to shine, bright > Gr leukos, white, L lux & lumen, light, lucere, to shine, luna, moon, Welsh llug, gleam] 1. a) the form of electromagnetic radiation that acts… …

    English World dictionary

  • 6dim — [[t]dɪ̱m[/t]] dimmer, dimmest, dims, dimming, dimmed 1) ADJ GRADED Dim light is not bright. She stood waiting, in the dim light... Below decks, the lights were dim. Derived words: dimly ADV GRADED ADV after v, ADV ed Two lamps burned dimly... He… …

    English dictionary

  • 7dim — dim1 [dım] adj comparative dimmer superlative dimmest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(dark)¦ 2¦(shape)¦ 3 take a dim view of something 4 dim recollection/awareness etc 5¦(eyes)¦ 6¦(future chances)¦ 7 in the dim and distant past 8¦(not intelligent)¦ …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 8dim — dim1 [ dım ] adjective 1. ) dim light is not bright: the dim glow of the streetlamp ─ opposite BRIGHT, BRILLIANT a ) dim places do not have much light in them, so you cannot see very well: The room was very dim. b ) dim shapes are not clear,… …

    Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • 9dim — 1 adjective dimmer, dimmest 1 DARK fairly dark or not giving much light, so that you cannot see well: in the dim light of the early dawn 2 SHAPE a dim shape is one which is not easy to see because it is too far away, or there is not enough light …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • 10dim — I UK [dɪm] / US adjective Word forms dim : adjective dim comparative dimmer superlative dimmest 1) dim light is not bright the dim glow of the streetlamp a) dim places do not have much light in them, so you cannot see very well The room was very… …

    English dictionary