Correctly informed
1Well-informed — Well in*formed , a. Correctly informed; provided with information; well furnished with authentic knowledge; intelligent. [1913 Webster] …
2well-informed — a. Correctly informed, provided with information, intelligent, well furnished with knowledge …
3Kadaververwertungsanstalt — The belief that the British government, using manufactured evidence, accused the Germans of operating Kadaververwertungsanstalten (corpse utilization factories) during World War I is one of the most durable legacies of the disinformation campaign …
4Sarah Winnemucca — Statue of Sarah Winnemucca by Benjamin Victor (NSHC statue) Sarah Winnemucca (born Thocmentony or Tocmetone,[1] Paiute: Shell Flower) (ca. 1844 – October 17, 1891) was a prominent female Native American activist and educator, and an influential… …
5Rousas John Rushdoony — (25 April 1916 ndash; 8 February 2001) was a Calvinist philosopher, historian, and theologian and is widely credited as the father of Christian Reconstructionism and an inspiration for the modern homeschool movement.… …
6Herut — This article is about the political party. For other uses, see Herut (disambiguation). Herut ( he. חרות, Freedom ) was the major right wing political party in Israel from the 1940s until its formal merger into Likud in 1988, and an adherent to… …
7Apostasy in Islam — (Arabic: ارتداد, irtidād or ridda) is commonly defined in Islam as the rejection in word or deed of one s former religion (apostasy) by a person who was previously a follower of Islam. The Qur an itself does not prescribe any earthly punishment… …
8Charles Frederick South — (1850–1916) was an cathedral organist, who served at Salisbury Cathedral[1]. Background Charles Frederick South was born on 6 February 1850 in London. He received the support of John Stainer who wrote[2]: I hear on all sides of the beauty of your …
9List of Canada's Worst Handyman 2 episodes — This is a list of episodes from Canada s Worst Handyman 2 , the second season of the Canadian television series that seeks to find the worst handyman in the country. Airdates listed are the first air dates on Discovery Channel Canada the date of… …
10The Mole (Australia season 4) — The Mole in Paradise Country of origin  Australia No. of episodes 10 Broadcast …