Consecrate by unction

  • 1Extreme Unction — • A sacrament to give spiritual aid and comfort and perfect spiritual health, including, if need be, the remission of sins, and also, conditionally, to restore bodily health, to Christians who are seriously ill Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 2anoint — v. a. 1. Smear, rub over with oil or unctuous matter. 2. Consecrate by unction …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 3Consecration — • An act by which a thing is separated from a common and profane to a sacred use, or by which a person or thing is dedicated to the service and worship of God by prayers, rites, and ceremonies Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 4Sacraments — • Presents the necessity, the nature, the origin and cause, the number, the effects, the minister, and the recipient of the Sacraments Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Sacraments     Sacraments …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 5Anointing — The Anointing of David, from the Paris Psalter, 10th century (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris). To anoint is to pour or smear with perfumed oil, milk, water, melted butter or other substances, a process employed ritually by many religions. People… …


  • 6Anglican Orders — • In the creed of the Catholic Church, Holy Order is one of the Seven Sacraments instituted by Our Lord Jesus Christ Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Anglican Orders     Anglican Orders …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 7The Blessed Eucharist as a Sacrament —     The Blessed Eucharist as a Sacrament     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Blessed Eucharist as a Sacrament     Since Christ is present under the appearances of bread and wine in a sacramental way, the Blessed Eucharist is unquestionably a… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 8sacrament — /sak reuh meuhnt/, n. 1. Eccles. a visible sign of an inward grace, esp. one of the solemn Christian rites considered to have been instituted by Jesus Christ to symbolize or confer grace: the sacraments of the Protestant churches are baptism and… …


  • 9Coronation of the French monarch — Coronation of Louis VIII of France and Blanche of Castile at Reims in 1223; a miniature from the Grandes Chroniques de France, circa 1450. The accession of the King of France was legitimated by coronation …


  • 10Aquinas and the Sacraments — Aquinas and the Sacraments: The following article is a condensation of the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas in Summa Contra Gentiles and Summa Theologica. As can be seen, Aquinas relied heavily on Scriptural passages, as well as the writings of… …
