
  • 91bespatter — v 1. spatter, splatter, spot, blot, bedaub, stain, soil, sully, begrime, smudge, smirch, splash. 2. slander, defame, defile, blemish, blotch, mar; smear, besmear, muddy, tarnish, taint, blacken; mark, brand, stigmatize …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 92blacken — v 1. charcoal, blackwash, ink, cork; smudge, soot, smoke, begrime, Brit. Dial. colly; darken, obscure, obfuscate, dim; eclipse, black out; shade, shadow. 2. slander, libel, calumniate, impute, asperse, traduce, falsify; injure, abuse, assail,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 93blob — n 1. globule, drop, droplet, glob, gutta, bubble, dewdrop, pearl, tear; bead, spherule, spheroid, oval; pellet, ball, shot, pea, pill; lump, mass, dab, particle, dash, speck, dot, iota. 2. spot, mark, splotch, splash, dash, daub; stain, soil,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 94blur — v 1. smear, besmear, smirch, smudge; sully, dirty, soil, stain, smutch, begrime; bedaub, daub all over, blot, splotch, spot, blemish, splash, bespatter; blotch, mar, deface. 2. obscure, befog, obfuscate, make indistinct, dim, bedim; (all of the… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 95contaminate — v defile, befoul, pollute, corrupt, foul, spoil; sully, taint, soil, besmirch, begrime; infect, poison, envenom, empoison, canker; vitiate, debase, adulterate; deprave, pervert, debauch, degrade, dishonor …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 96darken — v 1. blacken, black, opaque; shade, shadow, overshadow; eclipse, occult, black out, blot out; smudge, smirch, blotch, soot, begrime. 2. cloud, becloud, obscure, obfuscate, obumbrate. 3. dull, deaden, mat, tone down, take the color out of. 4. dim …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 97daub — v 1. smear, besmear, bedaub, cover, coat, plaster, Inf. slapdash, Inf. slap on. 2. begrime, soil, dirty, sully, bedraggle, draggle, muddy; smudge, smirch, spatter, splatter, slop, spot, stain; defile, deface, befoul. n 3. smear, smudge, smirch,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 98defile — v 1. pollute, taint, dirty, soil, poison, befoul, make filthy, begrime; spot, smear, blot, blur, smudge, smirch, draggle, spatter, besmear, daub; maculate, stain, tarnish. 2. ravish, rape, deprive of virginity, deflower; assault, attack, force,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 99dirty — adj 1. unclean, soiled, grimy, stained, spotted, smudged; unwashed, filthy, muddied, bedraggled, dirt encrusted; foul, begrimed, besmeared, smirchy, befouled, polluted; sleazy, squalid, slovenly, slatternly, Inf. sloppy, Inf. scruffy, Sl. crumby …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 100draggle — v 1. drabble, bedrabble, bedraggle, Archaic. daggle; (all by dragging through mud, dirt, etc.) soil, dirty, muddy, begrime, bemire. 2. straggle, drag or trail or lag behind, dally, dillydally, shillyshally, Inf. lallygag …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder