Bad habit

  • 131in|cor´ri|gi|ble|ness — in|cor|ri|gi|ble «ihn KR uh juh buhl, KOR », adjective, noun. –adjective. 1. so firmly fixed (in bad ways, a bad habit, or the like) that reform or change cannot be expected: »An incorrigible liar will lie in spite of any punishment. SYNONYM(S):… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 132in|cor|ri|gi|ble — «ihn KR uh juh buhl, KOR », adjective, noun. –adjective. 1. so firmly fixed (in bad ways, a bad habit, or the like) that reform or change cannot be expected: »An incorrigible liar will lie in spite of any punishment. SYNONYM(S): irredeemable. 2.… …

    Useful english dictionary