Absurd story

  • 121Charles Darwin — Charles Darwin …


  • 122Black Metal — Entstehungsphase: 1980er Jahre Herkunftsort: Hauptsächlich Europa Stilistische Vorläufer Thrash Metal Pionierba …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 123comedy — comedial /keuh mee dee euhl/, adj. /kom i dee/, n., pl. comedies. 1. a play, movie, etc., of light and humorous character with a happy or cheerful ending; a dramatic work in which the central motif is the triumph over adverse circumstance,… …


  • 124Aboriginal title in the Marshall Court — Chief Justice John Marshall composed several early and influential opinions on …


  • 125Norwegian Ninja — Kommandør Treholt ninjatroppen Theatrical release poster Directed by Thomas Cappelen Malling …


  • 126British moralists of the eighteenth century: Shaftesbury, Butler and Price — David McNaughton In this chapter I discuss the moral theories of three influential writers: Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury (1671–1713); Joseph Butler (1692–1752) and Richard Price (1723–91). All three wrote extensively on issues …

    History of philosophy

  • 127Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn — This name uses Eastern Slavic naming customs; the patronymic is Isayevich and the family name is Solzhenitsyn. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn After returning to Russia from exile in 1994. Born Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn 11 December 1918( …


  • 128Gothic fiction — (sometimes referred to as Gothic horror) is a genre of literature that combines elements of both horror and romance. As a genre, it is generally believed to have been invented by the English author Horace Walpole, with his 1764 novel The Castle… …
