
/kooh'yeuh bah"/, n.
1. a river in SW Brazil. ab. 300 mi. (485 km) long.
2. a port in W Brazil, on the Cuiabá River. 219,262.
Also, Cuyabá.

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      city, capital of Mato Grosso estado (state), southwestern Brazil. It lies along the Cuiabá River, a tributary of the Paraguay River, at 541 feet (165 metres) above sea level. Founded by gold hunters in 1719, the settlement was given the status of a town in 1727 and of a city in 1818. Agriculture and stock raising are now the main economic activities in the surrounding area. The city is the heart of an urban area that also includes the state's second largest city, Várzea Grande. Thermal electric and hydroelectric plants located in the area have been expanded since the completion of a natural gas pipeline from Bolivia in 2000. The city is the seat of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (1970) and of a bishopric and has a large football (soccer) stadium. Cuiabá can be reached by riverboat from Corumbá (400 miles [640 km] south-southwest) and by road from Campo Grande (550 miles [885 km] south-southeast); it is also on the road from Brasília to Pôrto Velho and Rio Branco and is connected to São Paulo and other cities by air service. Pop. (2005 est.) 526,300.

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Universalium. 2010.

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