- country gentleman
a wealthy man living in his country home or estate.[1625-35]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Country Gentleman — magazine, April 20, 1918 This article is about the magazine. For the guitar, see Gretsch. Country Gentleman was an agricultural magazine founded in 1831 in Rochester, NY by Luther Tucker. The magazine was purchased by Curtis Publishing Company in … Wikipedia
country gentleman — n. a man of some wealth who lives on a country estate … English World dictionary
Country Gentleman — Titelblatt des Country Gentleman vom Januar 1853 The Country Gentleman war eine landwirtschaftliche Wochen bzw. Monatszeitschrift, die ab dem 6. Januar 1853 in Rochester im Bundesstaat New York erschien. Damit war sie zu dieser Zeit nach dem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
country gentleman — noun Date: 1632 1. a well to do country resident ; an owner of a country estate 2. one of the English landed gentry … New Collegiate Dictionary
country gentleman — noun 1. : a well to do country resident : an owner of a country estate 2. : one of the English landed gentry … Useful english dictionary
country gentleman — coun′try gen′tleman n. a wealthy man living in his country home or estate • Etymology: 1625–35 … From formal English to slang
country gentleman — Synonyms and related words: beneficiary, cestui, cestui que trust, cestui que use, deedholder, feoffee, feudatory, householder, laird, landlady, landlord, lord, master, mesne, mesne lord, mistress, owner, proprietary, proprietor, proprietress,… … Moby Thesaurus
country seat — country house or country seat noun The residence and estate of a country gentleman • • • Main Entry: ↑country * * * noun, pl ⋯ seats [count] chiefly Brit : a large house that is built on a large piece of land * * * ˌcountry ˈseat [country seat] … Useful english dictionary
country — n. (pl. ies) 1 a the territory of a nation with its own government; a State. b a territory possessing its own language, people, culture, etc. 2 (often attrib.) rural districts as opposed to towns or the capital (a cottage in the country; a… … Useful english dictionary
gentleman — n. 1) the complete, perfect, real, true gentleman 2) a country gentleman 3) (misc.) every inch a gentleman; a gentleman of the old school * * * [ dʒentlmən] a gentleman of the old school perfect real true gentleman (misc.) every inch a gentleman… … Combinatory dictionary