Countershading — employed by the grey reef shark. The original drawings from Thayer s 1902 pate … Wikipedia
countershading — noun Date: 1896 cryptic coloration of an animal with parts normally in shadow being light and parts normally illuminated being dark thereby reducing shadows and contours … New Collegiate Dictionary
countershading — condition of fish in the water column that are dark colored on top but light colored on the bottom. The effect is to obscure the image of the fish to predators by blending with the dark sea floor when viewed from above, the light sky when viewed… … Dictionary of ichthyology
countershading — n. [L. contra, against; A.S. sceadu, shade] In camouflaging, an animal being dark dorsally and pale ventrally and therefore appearing evenly colored and inconspicuous … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
countershading — noun Zoology protective coloration used by some animals in which parts normally in shadow are light and those exposed to the sky are dark. Derivatives countershaded adjective … English new terms dictionary
countershading — coun·ter·shading … English syllables
countershading — coun•ter•shad•ing [[t]ˈkaʊn tərˌʃeɪ dɪŋ[/t]] n. zool. (of an animal) coloration that is dark on parts of the body surface that are usu. exposed to the sun and light on parts usu. in shade • Etymology: 1895–1900 … From formal English to slang
countershading — /kaʊntəˈʃeɪdɪŋ/ (say kowntuh shayding) noun the presence (on an animal) of dark colours on parts usually exposed to the sun and of light colours on parts usually shaded, especially as serving for protection or concealment …
countershading — |kau̇ntə(r)+ noun Etymology: counter + shading : coloration (as of an animal) with parts normally in shadow being light or parts normally illuminated being dark compare protective coloration … Useful english dictionary
Dun gene — A bay dun, also called a classic or zebra dun A Blue dun, or Grullo … Wikipedia