
cotyledonal, cotyledonary /kot'l eed"n er'ee/, cotyledonous, adj.
/kot'l eed"n/, n. Bot.
1. the primary or rudimentary leaf of the embryo of seed plants.
2. Anat. any of several lobules of the placenta.
[1535-45; < L: navelwort < Gk kotyledón a plant (prob. navelwort), lit., a cuplike hollow, deriv. of kotýle cup]

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Seed leaf within the embryo of a seed that provides energy and nutrients for the developing seedling.

After the first true leaves have formed, they wither and fall off. Flowering plants whose embryos have a single cotyledon are grouped as monocots, or monocotyledonous plants; embryos with two cotyledons are grouped as dicots, or dicotyledonous plants. Unlike flowering plants, gymnosperms usually have several cotyledons rather than one or two.

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      seed leaf within the embryo of a seed. Flowering plants whose embryos have a single cotyledon are grouped as monocots, or monocotyledonous plants; embryos with two cotyledons are grouped as dicots, or dicotyledonous (dicotyledon) plants. The number of cotyledons in the embryos of seeds of gymnosperms is highly variable, ranging from 8 to 20 or more.

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Universalium. 2010.

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