
/kawr vay"/, n.
1. unpaid labor for one day, as on the repair of roads, exacted by a feudal lord.
2. an obligation imposed on inhabitants of a district to perform services, as repair of roads, bridges, etc., for little or no remuneration.
[1300-50; ME < MF < LL corrogata contribution, collection, n. use of fem. of L corrogatus (ptp. of corrogare to collect by asking), equiv. to cor- COR- + roga(re) to ask + -tus ptp. suffix]

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Unpaid labor that a European vassal owed a lord or that a citizen in later times owed the state, either in addition to or in lieu of taxes.

The corvée was often used when money payment did not provide sufficient labor for public projects, and in wartime it was sometimes used to augment regular troops in auxiliary capacities.

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      unpaid labour that a European vassal owed a lord or that a citizen in later times owed the state, either in addition to or in lieu of taxes. See statute labour.

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Universalium. 2010.

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