condensation nucleus — noun : a small particle (as of dust) upon which water vapor condenses in the atmosphere * * * Meteorol. nucleus (def. 5). [1910 15] * * * condensation nucleus, Meteorology. a particle upon which water vapor condenses; nucleus: »Condensation… … Useful english dictionary
condensation nucleus — kondensacijos branduolys statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. condensation nucleus vok. Kondensationskern, m rus. ядро конденсации, n pranc. noyau de condensation, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
condensation nucleus — kondensacijos branduolys statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Maža aerozolio dalelė, apie kurią susidaro lašo užuomazga. atitikmenys: angl. condensation nucleus rus. ядро конденсации … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
condensation nucleus — A small solid particle around which condensation occurs [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
condensation nucleus — Смотри ядро конденсации … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
nucleus — /nooh klee euhs, nyooh /, n., pl. nuclei / klee uy /, nucleuses. 1. a central part about which other parts are grouped or gathered; core: A few faithful friends formed the nucleus of the club. 2. Biol. a specialized, usually spherical mass of… … Universalium
condensation — condensational, adj. condensative, adj. /kon den say sheuhn, deuhn /, n. 1. the act of condensing; the state of being condensed. 2. the result of being made more compact or dense. 3. reduction of a book, speech, statement, or the like, to a… … Universalium
nucleus — /ˈnjukliəs / (say nyoohkleeuhs) noun (plural nuclei /ˈnjukliaɪ/ (say nyoohkleeuy) or nucleuses) 1. a central part or thing about which other parts or things are grouped. 2. anything constituting a central part, foundation, or beginning: *There… …
Cloud condensation nuclei — Aerosol pollution over Northern India and Bangladesh NASA Cloud condensation nuclei or CCNs (also known as cloud seeds) are small particles typically 0.2 µm, or 1/100 th the size of a cloud droplet [1]) about which cloud droplets coalesce. Water… … Wikipedia
salt nucleus — ▪ meteorology tiny particle in the atmosphere that is composed of a salt, either solid or in an aqueous solution; it promotes the condensation of water and thus is one form of condensation nucleus (q.v.). * * * … Universalium