
/sis"euh roh'/, n.
1. Marcus Tullius /tul"ee euhs/, ("Tully"), 106-43 B.C., Roman statesman, orator, and writer.
2. a city in NE Illinois, near Chicago. 61,232.

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▪ German spy
pseudonym of  Elyesa Bazna  
born 1904, Albania?
died Dec. 21, 1970, Munich, Ger.

      one of the most famous spies of World War II, who worked for Nazi Germany in 1943–44 while he was employed as valet to Sir Hughe Montgomery Knatchbull-Hugessen, British ambassador to neutral Turkey from 1939. He photographed secret documents from the embassy safe and turned the films over to the former German chancellor Franz von Papen (Papen, Franz von), at that time German ambassador in Ankara. For this service the Hitler government paid Cicero large sums in British money, most of it counterfeited in Germany. Despite the evident authenticity of the films, the Nazi officials in Berlin mistrusted Cicero and are said to have disregarded his information (some of which dealt with plans for the Allied invasion of Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944).

      He spent his last years as a night watchman in Munich. Der Fall Cicero (1950; Operation Cicero) was written by L.C. Moyzisch, who transmitted all communications between Cicero and Papen. A motion picture, Five Fingers (1952), was based on this book. Ich war Cicero (1962; I Was Cicero) was written by Bazna himself (under his real name) in collaboration with Hans Nogly.

      town, Cook county, northeastern Illinois, U.S. A western suburb of Chicago, the town was first settled in the 1830s and founded in 1857. It was named for the Roman statesman (see Cicero (Cicero, Marcus Tullius)). Cicero's development was stimulated when the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad was built through the site (1864) and by the arrival of land speculators and farmers after the American Civil War. Economic growth continued, but Cicero lost territory to Chicago and to the formation (1901) of Berwyn and Oak Park. In the 1920s gangster Al Capone (Capone, Al) left Chicago for several years and made Cicero his base of operations, taking control of the town's government and elections and running speakeasies, brothels, and gambling halls. The town developed as a manufacturing centre. Cicero's economy is based on manufacturing, including appliance and machinery parts, steel, metal products, glass, and packaging. The town is the seat of Morton (junior) College (1924). There is horse racing at Hawthorne Race Course. Inc. 1867. Pop. (1990) 67,436; (2000) 85,616.

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Universalium. 2010.

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