charge conjugation

charge conjugation
the mathematical operation of replacing every elementary particle by its antiparticle. Symbol: C

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      in particle physics, an operation that replaces particles with antiparticles (antiparticle) (and vice versa) in equations describing subatomic particles (subatomic particle). The name charge conjugation arises because a given particle and its antiparticle generally carry opposite electric charge. The positive electron, or positron, for example, is the antiparticle of the ordinary negative electron.

      Until the mid-1950s, it was believed that nature would be unaffected if particles were replaced by their antiparticles. The operation of charge conjugation, in other words, would not change the mathematical descriptions of fundamental physical processes. Several experiments on weak nuclear interactions, undertaken after 1956, however, indicated that nature is not indifferent to the exchange of particles and antiparticles. Thus, antiparticle universes, popular in science fiction, would have physical laws slightly different from the laws for this universe. When charge conjugation C is combined with two other operations, parity reversal P and time reversal T, strong theoretical grounds (CPT theorem) indicate that the basic laws of physics do remain invariant. See also CP violation.

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Universalium. 2010.

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