
/kat"euh fawk', -fawlk', -falk'/, n.
1. a raised structure on which the body of a deceased person lies or is carried in state.
2. a hearse.
[1635-45; < F < It catafalco < LL *catafalicum SCAFFOLD, equiv. to cata- CATA- + fal(a) wooden siege tower + -icum, neut. of -icus -IC]

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▪ funerary architecture
      ornate, often theatrical, usually movable funereal structure mounted on a stage to support a coffin for a lying-in-state. It is used for royalty and personages of distinction and is normally set up in a historic public hall, such as Westminster Hall, London, and the Capitol Rotunda in Washington, D.C. The reputation of the Spanish architect José Churriguera, known for his exuberant and fantastic Baroque style, was established overnight in 1689 by his design for the catafalque for Queen Maria Louisa, first wife of Charles II. Certain European shrines of saints in which the body is visible are sometimes regarded as catafalques.

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  • catafalque — [ katafalk ] n. m. • XVIIIe; « échafaud » 1690; it. catafalco, du lat. pop. catafalicum ♦ Estrade décorée sur laquelle on place un cercueil. ♢ Décoration funèbre au dessus du cercueil (cf. Chapelle ardente). Dresser un catafalque au milieu d une… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Catafalque — • Derived from the Italian word catafalco, literally means a scaffold or elevation, but in its strictly liturgical sense the word is employed to designate the cenotaph like erection which is used at the exequial offices of the Church, and takes… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Catafalque — de Manuel Quezon +1944. Le catafalque désigne une estrade funéraire, supportant le cercueil, érigée provisoirement ou définitivement dans une église. Le terme provient de l italien catafalco, signifiant échafaudage. L un des catafalques les plus… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • catafalque — CATAFALQUE. s. m. Décoration funèbre qu on élève au milieu d une Église, pour y placer le cercueil ou la représentation d un mort à qui l on veut rendre les plus grands honneurs. On éleva pour ce Prince un magnifique Catafalque …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • catafalque — (n.) 1640s, from Fr. catafalque (17c.), from It. catafalco scaffold, from V.L. *catafalicum, from Gk. kata down, used in Medieval Latin with a sense of beside, alongside + fala scaffolding, wooden siege tower, said to be of Etruscan origin …   Etymology dictionary

  • Catafalque — Cat a*falque , n. [F., fr. It. catafalco, scaffold, funeral canopy; of uncertain origin; cf. Sp. catafalso, cadahalso, cadalso, Pr. casafalc, OF. chafaut. Cf. {Scaffold}.] A temporary structure sometimes used in the funeral solemnities of eminent …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • catafalque — ► NOUN ▪ a decorated wooden framework to support a coffin. ORIGIN Italian catafalco …   English terms dictionary

  • catafalque — [kat′ə falk΄, kat′əfôlk΄] n. [Fr < It catafalco, funeral canopy, stage; prob. < VL * catafalicum, scaffold < cata (< Gr kata, down) + * falicum < L fala, wooden tower] 1. a wooden framework, usually draped, on which the body in a… …   English World dictionary

  • Catafalque — A catafalque is a raised bier or platform, often movable, that is used to support the casket, coffin, or body of the deceased during a funeral or memorial service. Catafalque decorations are known as castrum doloris .The term originates from the… …   Wikipedia

  • catafalque — (ka ta fal k ) s. m. Estrade élevée, par honneur, au milieu d une église, pour recevoir le cercueil ou la représentation d un mort. •   La mort a prêté le catafalque d un empereur romain à la dépouille d un Tartare, CHATEAUBR. Génie, IV, II, 3.… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • CATAFALQUE — s. m. Estrade, décoration funèbre qu on élève au milieu d une église, pour y placer le cercueil ou la représentation d un mort à qui l on veut rendre les plus grands honneurs. On éleva pour ce prince un magnifique catafalque …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

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