
/kahr"puy/, n.
pl. of carpus.

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      town, Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy, north of Modena city. Carpi is distinguished by its great piazza, the largest in the region. Notable landmarks include the Renaissance town hall, formerly the castle of the Pio family, lords of Carpi from 1319 to 1525; the cathedral (begun 1514), with a Baroque facade (1667); the Romanesque church of Sta. Maria in Castello, or La Sagra (altered 1515); the former cathedral, with a Romanesque campanile (1217–21); and several other fine old churches. A rail junction and commercial centre, Carpi's industries include food processing, straw plaiting, distilling, and the manufacture of shirts and hosiery. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 64,517.

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