
/kan'deuhm blah"/, n.
a religion based on the worship of Yoruba deities practiced in Brazil, esp. in the state of Bahia.
[ < Brazilian Pg; further orig. undetermined]

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Variant of Macumba, a syncretic Afro-Brazilian religion most prominent in the Brazilian state of Bahia.

Incorporating elements of Roman Catholicism, Candomblé is the most African of the Afro-Brazilian sects. Its deities, called orixás, have distinct personalities (often capricious) and are associated with occupations, colours, days of the week, and natural phenomena. Rituals include animal sacrifice, spirit offerings, and dances. See also Macumba; vodun.

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      local name in Bahia for the Brazilian Macumba (q.v.) cult.

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Universalium. 2010.

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