- Campbellism
/kam"beuh liz'euhm, kam"euh-/, n.the practices and principles of the Disciples of Christ.[1835-45, Amer.; A. CAMPBELL + -ISM]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
campbellism — camp·bell·ism … English syllables
campbellism — ˈkam(b)əˌlizəm, aambə noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Alexander Campbell + ism : the doctrines or practices of the Campbellites * * * /kam beuh liz euhm, kam euh /, n. the practices and principles of the Disciples of Christ. [1835 … Useful english dictionary
John Taylor (1752–1833) — John Taylor (1752 1833) was a pioneer Baptist preacher and frontier historian in Kentucky.Taylor was born in Fauquier County, Virginia. He united with the Baptists when he was 20 years old, and began preaching while in Virginia where he organized … Wikipedia
Benajah Harvey Carroll — (December 27, 1843 November 11, 1914) was a Baptist pastor, theologian, teacher, and author. Carroll was born near Carrollton in Carroll County in north central Mississippi, one of twelve children to Benajah Carroll and the former Mary Eliza… … Wikipedia