- butch haircut
1. a short haircut for men, similar to a crew cut.2. a haircut for women in which the hair is cropped relatively short. Also called butch.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
butch haircut — 1. a short haircut for men, similar to a crew cut. 2. a haircut for women in which the hair is cropped relatively short. Also called butch. * * * n. a haircut that is trimmed very close to the head; crewcut … Useful english dictionary
Butch (disambiguation) — Butch is a gender role, which may be expressed in the context of a butch and femme relationship. Butch may also refer to:Gender* Soft butch * Stone butchPeople named Butch* Butch Cassidy (1866 ndash;1908), an American outlaw * Butch Coolidge, a… … Wikipedia
butch — [but/] 1. n. a physician. (Derogatory. From butcher.) □ The butch at the infirmary was no help at all. □ What does it take to be a butch besides an office and a degree? 2. mod. virile and masculine. (In a homosexual context.) □ That’s a real… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
butch — adjective Etymology: probably from Butch, male nickname Date: 1941 1. notably or deliberately masculine in appearance or manner 2. closely cropped < a butch haircut > • butch noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
butch — /booch/, n. 1. See butch haircut. 2. Slang. a lesbian, esp. one notably masculine in manner or appearance. adj. 3. Slang. a. (of a girl or woman) having traits of personality, dress, behavior, or appearance usually associated with males. b. (of a … Universalium
butch — adjective, informal a butch haircut Syn: masculine, manly; mannish, manlike; informal macho Ant: effeminate … Thesaurus of popular words
haircut — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. barbering, trim, hairdo; crew cut, butch, flattop, fuzz cut, razor cut. See beauty, hair. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. trim, trimming, shingling, bob, crew cut, page boy, pompadour, feather cut, bangs,… … English dictionary for students
butch — [[t]bʊtʃ[/t]] adj. 1) cvb sts Slang. a) (of a woman) having traits of behavior usu. associated with males b) (of a male) exaggeratedly masculine in manner 2) of or designating a haircut in which the hair is closely cropped 3) cvb sts Slang. a… … From formal English to slang
butch — bÊŠtʃ n. mannish woman; very short haircut … English contemporary dictionary
hairdo — n coiffure, Inf. coif, Sl. do, haircut, cut, hairstyle; set, permanent, permanent wave, wave, marcel, cold wave, finger wave; updo, upsweep, pompadour, beehive; bob, pixie cut, shag, pageboy; bun, chignon; plait, braid, cornrows, Archaic. tress;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder