buffalo berry

buffalo berry
1. either of two North American shrubs, Shepherdia argentea or S. canadensis, having silvery, oblong leaves and bearing edible yellow or red berries.
2. the fruit itself.
[1795-1805, Amer.]

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also called  Rabbit Berry, or Nebraska Currant 
 (Shepherdia argentea), shrub, 2 to 6 metres (about 6 to 20 feet) high, of the oleaster family (Elaeagnaceae) with whitish, somewhat thorny branches and small, oblong, silvery leaves. It is a very hardy shrub, growing wild along stream banks in the Great Plains of North America. Because it is also tolerant of windswept sites on dry, rocky soil, it is valued as an ornamental and hedge plant where other shrubs often fail.

      The fruit, borne in profusion in August or September, is a currant-sized, scarlet-red or golden-yellow berry with a tart flavour. The berries are used to make a meat relish and jelly. Male and female flowers are borne on separate plants, and in cultivation where fruit is desired it is necessary to set out one male plant for every four to six females.

      A smaller relative, the Canadian buffalo berry (S. canadensis), grows to about 2.5 m high, has oval leaves that are silvery only on the underside, and occurs on wooded banks and hillsides from Newfoundland and New York to Alaska and Oregon and southward along the Rocky Mountains to New Mexico. Its fruits are edible but not highly esteemed.

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  • buffalo berry — noun Date: 1805 either of two North American shrubs (Shepherdia argentea and S. canadensis) of the oleaster family with silvery foliage; also their edible scarlet berry …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • buffalo berry — buf′falo ber ry n. 1) pln either of two North American shrubs, Shepherdia argentea or S. canadensis, of the oleaster family, having silvery, oblong leaves and edible yellow or red berries 2) pln the fruit itself • Etymology: 1795–1805 …   From formal English to slang

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