- Bucephalus
/byooh sef"euh leuhs/, n.the horse used by Alexander the Great on most of his military campaigns.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Bucephalus — Alexander the Great s favorite horse, from Gk. Boukephalos, lit. Ox head, from bous ox + kephale head. Men called [him] Bucephalus ... of the marke or brand of a buls head, which was imprinted vpon his shoulder. [Pliny, I.220, tr. Holland, 1601] … Etymology dictionary
Bucephalus — Bu*ceph a*lus, n. [L., fr. Gr. ?, lit., ox headed; ? ox + ? head.] 1. The celebrated war horse of Alexander the Great. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. Hence, any riding horse. [Jocose] Sir W. Scott. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bucephălus — Bucephălus, s. Bukephalos … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Bucephălus — Bucephălus, s. Bukephalas … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Bucephalus — Bucephalus, Bukephalos (Stierkopf), hieß das Lieblingspferd Alexanders d. Gr., das er. vorher ungebändigt, noch als Knabe zu bändigen wußte, und um dessen Grabmal in Indien er eine Stadt, Bukephalia, anlegen ließ … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
BUCEPHALUS — Alexandri M. equus, a latitudine frontis sic dictus, vel ab aspectu torvo, vel ab insigni taurini capitis armo impressi, quô Alexander in certaminibus utebatur. Vide Plin. l. 8. c. 42. et Gellium l. 5. c. 2 hesychius, Βουκέφαλος, ἵππος… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Bucephalus — [byo͞o sef′ə ləs] n. [L, lit., ox headed < Gr bous, ox, COW1 + kephalē, head: see CEPHALIC] the war horse of Alexander the Great … English World dictionary
Bucephalus — For the branding mark anciently used on horses, see Bucephalus (brand). Bucephalus or Buchephalas (Ancient Greek: polytonic|Βουκέφαλος, from polytonic|βούς bous , ox and polytonic|κεφαλή kephalē , head meaning ox head ) (c. 355 BC ndash; June,… … Wikipedia
Bucephalus — Alexander der Große mit Bukephalos (Alexandermosaik, Detail) Abbildungen der beiden auf einer makedonischen Bronzem … Deutsch Wikipedia
bucephalus — The absolute pinnacle of cool or awesome. OR Alexander the Breat s war horse. You just fell off that 40 story building and landed on your feet! That was bucephalus … Dictionary of american slang
bucephalus — The absolute pinnacle of cool or awesome. OR Alexander the Breat s war horse. You just fell off that 40 story building and landed on your feet! That was bucephalus … Dictionary of american slang