- brush discharge
a type of corona discharge that takes place between two electrodes at atmospheric pressure, characterized by long, branched, luminous streamers of ionized particles.[1840-50]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
brush discharge — n. a luminous electric discharge, weaker than a spark, characterized by a crackling sound and glowing fine lines with a brushlike appearance, as in the air surrounding a pointed conductor at high potential … English World dictionary
brush discharge — noun discharge between electrodes creating visible streamers of ionized particles • Hypernyms: ↑discharge, ↑spark, ↑arc, ↑electric arc, ↑electric discharge * * * noun Etymology: brush (III) … Useful english dictionary
Brush discharge — A brush discharge is a type of corona discharge that takes place between two electrodes embedded in a nonconducting medium (e.g., air at atmospheric pressure) and is characterized by nonsparking, faintly luciferous furcations composed of ionized… … Wikipedia
brush discharge — brush′ dis charge n. elm a type of corona discharge that takes place between two electrodes at atmospheric pressure, characterized by long, branched, luminous streamers of ionized particles • Etymology: 1840–50 … From formal English to slang
brush discharge — /brʌʃ dɪsˈtʃadʒ/ (say brush dis chahj) noun Electricity → corona discharge. Also, brush …
brush discharge — noun Date: 1849 a faintly luminous relatively slow electrical discharge having no spark … New Collegiate Dictionary
brush discharge — noun a broad electrical discharge from a conductor occurring when the potential difference is high but not sufficient for a spark or arc … English new terms dictionary
brush discharge — A charge of electricity, also called a disruptive discharge which is sometimes thrown off by uninsulated wires in sufficient force to cause the death of a person in close proximity thereto, without his actual contact with the wire. The fact is… … Ballentine's law dictionary
brush — brush1 [brush] n. [ME brushe < OFr broce, brosse, bush, brushwood < VL * bruscia < Gmc * bruskaz, underbrush: for IE base see BREAST] 1. BRUSHWOOD ☆ 2. sparsely settled country, covered with wild scrub growth 3. a) a device having… … English World dictionary
brush — n. & v. n. 1 an implement with bristles, hair, wire, etc. varying in firmness set into a block or projecting from the end of a handle, for any of various purposes, esp. cleaning or scrubbing, painting, arranging the hair, etc. 2 the application… … Useful english dictionary