
/brddeuh ee"lah/, n.
a port in E Rumania, on the Danube River. 203,983.

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      city, capital of Brăila județ (county), southeastern Romania. On the Danube River, 105 mi (170 km) from its mouth, it is the country's second largest port. First mentioned by the name of Drinago in a Spanish geographical work of 1350, it was referred to as Brayla in 1368 in a transportation and trade license granted to Brașov merchants. It was occupied by the Turks from 1554 until the end of the Russo-Turkish War of 1828–29, when it was returned to Walachia. The scene of much fighting during the war, it was heavily damaged by 1829, and a new street plan was initiated in 1835. Streets radiating from near the port at Brăila's centre are crossed at symmetrical intervals by concentric streets following the geometric design of the old Turkish fortifications. Accessible to small and medium-sized oceangoing ships, it has large grain-handling and warehousing facilities. It is also an important industrial centre, with metalworking, textile, food-processing, and other factories. Historic buildings include the Art Museum in the Palace of Culture, the History Museum, the Greek Church (1863–72), and the Orthodox Church of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel (a mosque until 1831). Pop. (2007 est.) 215,316.

      județ (county), southeastern Romania, occupying an area of 2,071 square mi (5,363 square km). Consisting mostly of lowlands, the county contains the Bărăgan Plain in the west. The Siret River, which flows southwestward; is the northern border of the county. The Danube and its tributary, the Dunărea Veche, drain northward. The area was part of feudal Walachia. It was occupied by Turks from 1554 until 1829. Brăila city, the county capital, is one of the largest Romanian ports on the Danube and can handle ocean-going vessels. Its industries include iron, steel, machinery, textile, and paper production. Factories in Vădeni, Viziru, and Făurei process foodstuffs. Wheat and corn (maize) are cultivated, and livestock are raised in the Bărăgan Plain. Panait Istrati (1884–1935), the writer, lived in the town of Lacul Sărat (Salt Lake). Gropeni, Însurătei, and Chiscani are other towns. Highways and railway connections extend through Brăila city. Pop. (2007 est.) 365,628.

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Universalium. 2010.

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