boarding ramp

boarding ramp
ramp (def. 5).

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  • boarding ramp — ramp (def. 5) …   Useful english dictionary

  • boarding ramp — board′ing ramp n. aer. trs a movable staircase providing passengers and crew with access to the cabin of an aircraft …   From formal English to slang

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  • ramp — ramp1 rampingly, adv. /ramp/, n. 1. a sloping surface connecting two levels; incline. 2. a short concave slope or bend, as one connecting the higher and lower parts of a staircase railing at a landing. 3. any extensive sloping walk or passageway …   Universalium

  • ramp — I [[t]ræmp[/t]] n. 1) bui a sloping surface connecting two levels; incline 2) bui any extensive sloping walk or passageway 3) bui a short concave slope or bend, as one connecting the higher and lower parts of a staircase railing at a landing 4)… …   From formal English to slang

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  • ramp — ramp1 [ramp] n. [Fr rampe < OFr ramper: see RAMP2] 1. a sloping, sometimes curved, surface, walk, road, etc. joining different levels ☆ 2. a means for boarding or leaving a plane, as a staircase on wheels rolled up to the door 3. a concave… …   English World dictionary

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