- black-hearted
—black-heartedly, adv. —black-heartedness, n./blak"hahr"tid/, adj.disposed to doing or wishing evil; malevolent; malicious.[1840-50]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
black-hearted — lack heart ed, a. Having a wicked, malignant disposition; morally bad. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
black-hearted — black heartedly, adv. black heartedness, n. /blak hahr tid/, adj. disposed to doing or wishing evil; malevolent; malicious. [1840 50] * * * black heartˈed adjective Having an evil disposition • • • Main Entry: ↑black … Useful english dictionary
black-hearted — black′ heart′ed adj. disposed to doing or wishing evil; malevolent • Etymology: 1840–50 black′ heart′ed•ly, adv. black′ heart′ed•ness, n … From formal English to slang
black hearted — adj. evil, wicked, malicious; bad from a moral point of view … English contemporary dictionary
black-hearted — a. Malignant, malicious, malevolent, villanous, base, cruel, unfeeling, full of hate … New dictionary of synonyms
black-hearted — /ˈblæk ˌhatəd/ (say blak .hahtuhd) adjective evil …
Black and Tan — is a drink made from a blend of pale ale and a dark beer such as a stout or porter. Sometimes a pale lager is used instead of ale; this is more usually called a half and half. In Ireland both Stout and Ale drinkers may order a black and tan for… … Wikipedia
Black — infobox color textcolor=white title=Black hex=000000 symbolism = lack, evil, darkness, bad luck, crime, mystery, silence, concealment, elegance, execution, end, chaos, death, and secrecy r=0|g=0|b=0 c=0|m=0|y=0|k=100 h= |s= |v=0 spelling=Color… … Wikipedia
Black — adj., n., & v. adj. 1 very dark, having no colour from the absorption of all or nearly all incident light (like coal or soot). 2 completely dark from the absence of a source of light (black night). 3 (Black) a of the human group having dark… … Useful english dictionary
black — adj., n., & v. adj. 1 very dark, having no colour from the absorption of all or nearly all incident light (like coal or soot). 2 completely dark from the absence of a source of light (black night). 3 (Black) a of the human group having dark… … Useful english dictionary