- bell captain
a hotel employee who supervises the work of bellhops.[1925-30, Amer.]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
bell captain — ☆ bell captain n. a person in charge of a group of bellhops … English World dictionary
bell captain — noun A supervisor of bellhops in a hotel. He returned to his hotel that afternoon . . . but he received an electric shock as he approached the desk, for the bell captain addressed him, saying: Mr. Haviland wishes to see you at once, in his office … Wiktionary
bell captain — bell′ cap tain n. a supervisor of bellhops • Etymology: 1925–30, amer … From formal English to slang
bell captain — noun Date: 1926 captain 2c … New Collegiate Dictionary
bell captain — noun the supervisor of bellboys in a hotel • Hypernyms: ↑supervisor … Useful english dictionary
captain — [kap′tən] n. [ME capitain < OFr capitaine < LL capitaneus, chief < L caput, HEAD] 1. a) a chief or leader [captains of industry] b) an important military leader 2. the head of a group or division; specif., a) … English World dictionary
captain — n. 1) (AE) a bell captain 2) a ship s; team captain 3) (AE) a precinct captain (in the police) 4) (mil.) a captain commands a company or battery 5) (misc.) captains of industry ( leading industrialists ) * * * [ kæptɪn] team captain (AE) a bell… … Combinatory dictionary
captain — /kap teuhn, tin/, n. 1. a person who is at the head of or in authority over others; chief; leader. 2. an officer ranking in most armies above a first lieutenant and below a major. 3. an officer in the U.S. Navy ranking above a commander and below … Universalium
captain — I. noun Etymology: Middle English capitane, from Anglo French capitain, from Late Latin capitaneus, adjective & noun, chief, from Latin capit , caput head more at head Date: 14th century 1. a. (1) a military leader ; the commander of a unit or a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
captain — cap•tain [[t]ˈkæp tən, tɪn[/t]] n. 1) a person in authority over others; chief; leader 2) mil an army officer ranking next above a first lieutenant 3) mil a commissioned naval officer ranking above a commander 4) mil an officer of any rank who… … From formal English to slang