- barrel race
—barrel racing.a rodeo event, usually for women, in which a horse and rider must race in a zigzag pattern around three barrels, competing for the fastest time.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
barrel-race — barrel racer, n. /bar euhl rays /, v.i., barrel raced, barrel racing. to compete in a barrel race. * * * … Universalium
barrel-race — barrel racer, n. /bar euhl rays /, v.i., barrel raced, barrel racing. to compete in a barrel race … Useful english dictionary
Barrel Race — Westernreiten ist eine Form des Reitens, die sich auf die Arbeitsreitweise der Cowboys bezieht. Ihren Ursprung hat sie im spanischen Arbeitsreiten, dem Vaqueroreiten. Westernreiter Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Westernpferd 2 Aus … Deutsch Wikipedia
barrel race — barrel racing. a rodeo event, usually for women, in which a horse and rider must race in a zigzag pattern around three barrels, competing for the fastest time … Useful english dictionary
barrel race — /ˈbærəl reɪs/ (say baruhl rays) noun a rodeo event in which a horse runs around three barrels in a clover leaf pattern, the horse with the fastest time winning. –barrel racer, noun –barrel racing, noun …
barrel race — 1. noun A race in which a horse must be ridden around standing barrels. 2. verb To ride a horse around standing barrels in a race … Wiktionary
barrel race — noun see barrel racing … New Collegiate Dictionary
Barrel Racing — Wrtimedevent event eventcourse =|Barrel racing is a rodeo event in which a horse and rider attempt to complete a pattern around preset barrels in the fastest time. Though both sexes compete at the youth level and in some amateur venues, in… … Wikipedia
barrel racing — noun Date: 1941 a rodeo event for women in which a mounted rider makes a series of sharp turns around three barrels in a cloverleaf pattern • barrel race noun • barrel racer noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
race — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. onrush, advance; competition; sprint, dash; stream; channel, millrace, tide, river; career; family, clan, tribe; people, ethnic group. v. rush, career; hasten; compete; speed. See velocity, ancestry,… … English dictionary for students