- barge
/bahrj/, n., v., barged, barging.n.1. a capacious, flat-bottomed vessel, usually intended to be pushed or towed, for transporting freight or passengers; lighter.2. a vessel of state used in pageants: elegantly decorated barges on the Grand Canal in Venice.3. Navy. a boat reserved for a flag officer.4. a boat that is heavier and wider than a shell, often used in racing as a training boat.5. New England. Chiefly Older Use. a large, horse-drawn coach or, sometimes, a bus.v.i.6. to move clumsily; bump into things; collide: to barge through a crowd.7. to move in the slow, heavy manner of a barge.v.t.8. to carry or transport by barge: Coal and ore had been barged down the Ohio to the Mississippi.9. barge in, to intrude, esp. rudely: I hated to barge in without an invitation.10. barge into,a. Also, barge in on. to force oneself upon, esp. rudely; interfere in: to barge into a conversation.b. to bump into; collide with: He started to run away and barged into a passer-by.[1250-1300; ME < MF, perh. < L *barica; see BARK3]
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Universalium. 2010.