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Balefire — Bale fire (b[=a]l f[imac]r), n. [AS. b[=ae]lf[=y]r the fire of the funeral pile; b[=ae]l fire, flame (akin to Icel. b[=a]l, OSlav. b[=e]l[u^], white, Gr. falo s bright, white, Skr. bh[=a]la brightness) + f[=y]r, E. fire.] A signal fire; an alarm… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
balefire — [bāl′fīr΄] n. [ME balefir < OE bælfyr, fire of the funeral pyre < bæl, great fire (for IE base see BLACK) + fyr, FIRE] 1. an outdoor fire; bonfire 2. a beacon fire 3. Obs. a funeral pyre … English World dictionary
Balefire — For a fire made of bales of straw or wood, see Bonfire. For the book series by Cate Tiernan, see Balefire (book series) Balefire, in the world of the Wheel of Time, is a weapon created with the One Power. DescriptionIt has only one known weave,… … Wikipedia
Balefire (novel series) — Balefire is a fantasy novel series, published in the US, Canada, UK and the Netherlands (as Vuurbaken), by Cate Tiernan, the author of the Sweep (aka Wicca) series. Beginning with A Chalice of Wind , the series follows the life of Thais Allard… … Wikipedia
balefire — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English bǣlfȳr funeral fire, from bǣl pyre + fȳr fire Date: before 12th century an outdoor fire often used as a signal fire … New Collegiate Dictionary
balefire — noun an outdoor fire, such as pyre, bonfire, signal fire, etc. See Also: bale, fire … Wiktionary
balefire — Synonyms and related words: Roman candle, aid to navigation, alarm, amber light, backfire, beacon, beacon fire, bell, bell buoy, blaze, blinker, blue peter, bonfire, buoy, burning ghat, campfire, caution light, cheerful fire, combustion,… … Moby Thesaurus
balefire — n. large outdoor fire, bonfire … English contemporary dictionary
balefire — noun US a large open air fire. Origin OE: from obs. bale great fire + fire … English new terms dictionary
balefire — bale·fire … English syllables