American Farm Bureau Federation
- American Farm Bureau Federation
an organization founded in 1920 to promote the interests of farmers, esp. through state and national legislation.
Abbr.: AFBF
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▪ American organization
largest farmers' organization in the United States, a federation of 49 state farm bureaus and the Puerto Rico farm bureau. It was founded in 1919.
The federation was an outgrowth of the county farm bureau movement. Shortly before World War I, the idea of using county demonstration agents, agricultural experts, or extension workers to provide farmers with the results of scientific study was adopted in a number of areas. In many localities these agents were supported by local groups of farmers who constituted county committees or bureaus. Before the end of the war the county farm bureaus in several states had formed state organizations. In November 1919 representatives of the state farm bureaus met in Chicago and organized the American Farm Bureau Federation.
The federation quickly became active in sponsoring a wide variety of political measures. In the 1930s it took a major part in formulating and obtaining passage of the Agricultural Adjustment Acts of 1933 and 1938. During World War II it opposed price controls. Later, it advocated measures to reduce government farm price supports and return the direction of the farm economy more largely to commercial markets. In general, the federation tended to favour agribusiness, while still maintaining the allegiance of many small farmers.
In the late 20th century membership (mostly on the basis of families) exceeded 3,000,000. The federation holds annual conventions and publishes
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