
/ah yaht"chaw/, n.
a seaport in and the capital of Corsica: the birthplace of Napoleon I. 51,770.

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      town, capital of Corse-du-Sud département, Corsica région, France, and Mediterranean port, on the west coast of the island of Corsica. Napoleon (Napoleon I)'s birthplace, Maison Bonaparte, is now a museum, as is part of the town hall. The original settlement of Ajax was founded by the Romans 2 miles (3 km) north of the present site, to which the town was removed by the Genoese in 1492. Save for the period 1553–59, the town did not become French until 1768. From 1793 to 1811, Ajaccio was the capital of Liamone département, and in 1976 it was made capital of Corse-du-Sud département, one of the two into which the island was divided. Its economy rests largely on tourism, but there is some light industry, including the manufacture of aeronautical components. There is a small commerical port and yachting harbour as well as a science park. Ajaccio also has a long tradition as an administrative centre. It is the seat of a prefect and a bishopric. Regular air and ferry services connect Ajaccio to the French mainland. Pop. (1999) 52,880; (2005 est.) 51,000.

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  • Ajaccio — [ä yät′chō] seaport & chief city of Corsica, on the W coast; birthplace of Napoleon: pop. 59,000 …   English World dictionary

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