- cantharidin
can·thar·i·din (kăn-thărʹĭ-dĭn)
A bitter crystalline compound, C10H12O4, that is the active ingredient of cantharides and produces blistering of the skin.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Cantharidin — Can*thar i*din (k[a^]n*th[a^]r [i^]*d[i^]n), n. (Chem.) The active principle of the cantharis, or Spanish fly, a volatile, acrid, bitter solid, crystallizing in four sided prisms. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cantharidin — vgl. Kantharidin … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Cantharidin — Strukturformel Allgemeines Name Cantharidin Andere Namen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cantharidin — Chembox new Name = Cantharidin ImageFile = Cantharidin structure.png ImageSize = IUPACName = 2,6 Dimethyl 4,10 dioxatricyclo [,6] decane 3,5 dione OtherNames = Cantharidin Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 56 25 7 SMILES = O=C2OC(… … Wikipedia
Cantharidin — Can|tha|ri|din 〈n.; s; unz.; fachsprachl.〉 = Kantharidin * * * Can|tha|ri|din [griech. kántharis = Spanische Fliege (Käfer, Zool.); ↑ in (3)], das; s: aus einem Käfer isolierbare giftige, tricycl. Verb., die als Hyperämikum u. Vesikans wirkt. * * … Universal-Lexikon
cantharidin — The active principle of cantharis; the anhydride of cantharic acid. SYN: cantharis camphor. * * * can·thar·i·din kan thar əd ən n a bitter crystalline compound C10H12O4 that is the active blister producing ingredient of cantharides * * * n. the… … Medical dictionary
cantharidin — n. the active principle of cantharides, or Spanish fly (the dried bodies of a blister beetle, Lytta vesicatoria). A toxic and irritant chemical, cantharidin causes blistering of the skin and was formerly used in veterinary medicine as a… … The new mediacal dictionary
cantharidin poisoning — poisoning of horses or ruminants by hay contaminated with blister beetles whose bodies contain cantharidin; signs include hyperemia or erosions of the oral and esophageal mucosa, frequent urination, and sometimes shock and death. Called also… … Medical dictionary
cantharidin — noun Date: 1819 a bitter crystalline compound C10H12O4 that is the active blister producing ingredient of cantharides … New Collegiate Dictionary
cantharidin — n. [Gr. kantharis, blister beetle] A chemical produced by adults of the family Meloidae that causes skin blisters; the drug is obtained for medical use from the southern European Lytta vesicatoria, commonly known as Spanish fly … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology