
I. Alistair Maclean (1922–87)
a Scottish author of adventure novels. They include The Guns of Navarone (1957), Ice Station Zebra (1963) and Where Eagles Dare (1967), which have all been made into successful films. He also wrote books about T E Lawrence and Captain James Cook.
II. Donald Maclean (1913–83)
an English spy. He became a Communist as a young man at the same time as the other British spies Anthony Blunt, Guy Burgess and Kim Philby, and from 1944 worked for the British Foreign Office while acting as a spy for the Russian government. In 1951 he learned of British suspicions against him, and escaped with Burgess to Russia, where he lived until his death.

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  • MacLean — oder Maclean ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alex MacLean (* 1947), US amerikanischer Fotograf Alistair MacLean (1922–1987), schottischer Thriller Autor Craig MacLean (* 1971), schottischer Bahnradsportler Donald MacLean (Politiker)… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • MacLean — MacLean, Don|ald (1913 83) a British man who had an important job in the Foreign Office, but was at the same time secretly working as a ↑spy for the former Soviet Union. In 1951 he escaped to the Soviet Union with another British spy, Guy Burgess …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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  • MacLean —   [mək liːn], Alistair, eigentlich Ian Stuart [ stjʊət], schottischer Schriftsteller, * Glasgow 21. 4. 1922, ✝ München 2. 2. 1987; schrieb viel gelesene, oft im Stil von Tatsachenberichten abgefasste Abenteuer und Agentenromane.   Werke: H. M. S …   Universal-Lexikon

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