pension funds

pension funds

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  • pension funds — State and private pension contributions invested to give as high a return as possible to provide the funds from which pensions are paid. In the UK, pension funds managed by individual organizations work closely with insurance companies and… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • pension funds — / penʃ(ə)n fʌndz/ plural noun investments managed by pension companies to produce pensions for investors …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • National Association of Pension Funds — Abbreviation NAPF Motto Securing the future of pensions Formation 1923 Legal status Non profit company Purpose/focus …   Wikipedia

  • National Association of Pension Funds — (NAPF) The NAPF is the main UK body representing the interests of the occupational pensions movement and provides representation and other services for those involved in designing, operating, advising and investing funds of pension schemes in the …   Law dictionary

  • Pension fund — A pension fund is a pool of assets forming an independent legal entity that are bought with the contributions to a pension plan for the exclusive purpose of financing pension plan benefits. Pension funds are important shareholders of listed and… …   Wikipedia

  • Pension — This article is about the retirement income arrangement. For the type of lodging, see Pension (lodging). For the mortgage repayment scheme, see Mortgage loan. Financial market participants …   Wikipedia

  • Pension bomb — A pension bomb or pension time bomb is a phenomenon where demographic and other changes (typically longevity, population peaks and troughs, and long term adverse changes in the rate of return on investments, cost of living or taxation) mean that… …   Wikipedia

  • Pension simplification — In 2004 the Labour government announced plans to rationalise the British tax system as applied to pension schemes; these changes are referred to as pension simplification. The new single tax regime were adopted on 6th April 2006; this date is… …   Wikipedia

  • Pension Fund — A fund established by an employer to facilitate and organize the investment of employees retirement funds contributed by the employer and employees. The pension fund is a common asset pool meant to generate stable growth over the long term, and… …   Investment dictionary

  • pension — 01. His [pension] when he retires will be approximately $800 a month. 02. The old man had to find a part time job because his [pension] was not enough for him to live on. 03. Each month my employer matches my contribution to my [pension] plan, so …   Grammatical examples in English

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