the Battle of Little Bighorn

the Battle of Little Bighorn

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  • (the) Battle of Little Bighorn — the Battle of Little Bighorn [the Battle of Little Bighorn] the battle (1876) in which George Custer was killed with all 259 of his men of the Seventh Cavalry. This became known as Custer’s Last Stand. The soldiers were surrounded near the Little …   Useful english dictionary

  • Battle of Little Bighorn — noun a battle in Montana near the Little Bighorn River between United States cavalry under Custer and several groups of Native Americans (1876); Custer was pursuing Sioux led by Sitting Bull; Custer underestimated the size of the Sioux forces… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Battle of the Little Bighorn — Coordinates: 45°33′54″N 107°25′44″W / 45.565°N 107.42889°W / 45.565; 107.42889 …   Wikipedia

  • Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument — IUCN Category III (Natural Monument) …   Wikipedia

  • Little Bighorn — Little Big|horn the Little Bighorn a river in the US state of Montana, where General Custer fought against and was killed by Native Americans led by ↑Sitting Bull and ↑Crazy Horse in the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876 …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Battle of the Little Bighorn — noun a battle in Montana near the Little Bighorn River between United States cavalry under Custer and several groups of Native Americans (1876); Custer was pursuing Sioux led by Sitting Bull; Custer underestimated the size of the Sioux forces… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Little Bighorn River — Origin 45°00′03″N 107°37′37″W /  …   Wikipedia

  • Little Bighorn — noun 1. a river that flows from northern Wyoming into the Bighorn River in southern Montana; site of Custer s Last Stand • Syn: ↑Little Bighorn River, ↑Little Horn • Instance Hypernyms: ↑river • Part Holonyms: ↑Wyoming, ↑E …   Useful english dictionary

  • Little Bighorn — can refer to: * Little Bighorn River, (previously called Little Big Horn River ) a tributary of the Bighorn River in Wyoming and Montana. * Battle of the Little Bighorn, took place near the river in 1876. * Little Bighorn Battlefield National… …   Wikipedia

  • Little Bighorn — river in N Wyo., flowing north into the Bighorn in S Mont.: c. 90 mi (145 km): in a battle near here (Battle of the Little Bighorn, 1876) George Custer s troops attacked Dakota and Cheyenne Indians and were annihilated …   English World dictionary

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