- cardboard city
a place in a city where many people with nowhere to live sleep, often using pieces of cardboard as beds or shelters.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
cardboard city — noun An area in which homeless people live or sleep, using cardboard boxes, etc, as shelter • • • Main Entry: ↑cardboard * * * cardboard city UK US noun [countable] [singular cardboard city plural … Useful english dictionary
Cardboard city — (Serbian Cyrillic: Картон сити. Latin: Karton siti ) is an urban neighborhood of Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. It is located in Belgrade s municipality of Novi Beograd. Settlement Karton siti (Serbian for cardboard city ) is an informal… … Wikipedia
cardboard city — n an area in a large town or city where people who have no home sleep outside using cardboard boxes to try to keep warm … Dictionary of contemporary English
cardboard city — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms cardboard city : singular cardboard city plural cardboard cities British informal an area in a city where people who have no homes make shelters from cardboard boxes … English dictionary
cardboard city — an area of a large city where many people without a home sleep outside. Young people come to the capital full of hope and end up in cardboard city … New idioms dictionary
Cardboard City (London) — Cardboard City was the name for an area of cardboard boxes lived in by homeless people in London near Waterloo station from 1983 until 1998. [cite news | first= | last= | coauthors= | title= Cardboard City meets its Waterloo | date=1998 02 23 |… … Wikipedia
cardboard city — noun (C) an area usually in a large town or city where people who have no home sleep outside using cardboard boxes to try to keep warm … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
cardboard city — noun An area of a town where the homeless gather at night to shelter under makeshift constructions of discarded boxes and packing material … Wiktionary
cardboard city — noun an urban area where homeless people congregate under makeshift shelters … English new terms dictionary
Cardboard Citizens — is the UK s only homeless people s professional theatre company and the leading practitioner of Forum Theatre in the UK. They work with people who have experience of, or who are at risk of, becoming homeless. Cardboard Citizens was founded in… … Wikipedia