Jack Cade
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Jack Cade — (possible real name John Aylmer or John Mortimer) was the leader of a popular revolt in the 1450 Kent rebellion which took place in the time of King Henry VI in England.In the spring of 1450 Kentish peasants protested against what they saw as the … Wikipedia
Jack Cade — (möglicher echter Name John Mortimer; † 12. Juli 1450 bei Heathfield, East Sussex) war ein englischer Rebell, der den Sturz von König Heinrich VI. anstrebte. Einige Quellen gehen davon aus, dass Cade irischer Abstammung war, doch in Sussex… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Jack Cade — [Jack Cade] (died 1450) the leader in 1450 of a violent protest in ↑Kent, England, against Henry VI s high taxes and bad government. His army defeated the royal forces and entered London. After receiving certain promises, Cade’s army went back to … Useful english dictionary
Jack Cade laws — Jack Cade was the leader of a coup against the King and Parliament in 1450 in London. In William Shakespeare’s version contained in Henry VI, he and Dick the Butcher were plotting how to achieve their murderous goals when Dick says; The first… … Wikipedia
Jack Cade’s Rebellion — (1450) Distressed by high taxes, corrupt local officials, and the recent loss of Normandy, the commons of Kent, led by a man named Jack (or John) Cade, rose in rebellion in the summer of 1450. Because HENRY VI and his advisors suspected that… … Encyclopedia of the Wars of the Roses
Cade — may refer to: * Juniperus oxycedrus , also called the Prickly Juniper.People with the surname Cade: * Elsa Salazar Cade, an entomologist and educator * Jack Cade (15th century), an English rebel; * John A. Cade (1929 1996), former American… … Wikipedia
Cade — ist der Name von Jack Cade (möglicher echter Name John Mortimer; † 1450), englischer Rebell, der den Sturz von König Heinrich VI. anstrebte Lance Cade (echter Name Lance K. McNaught); (1980–2010), US amerikanischer Wrestler Robert Cade… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cade, Jack — ▪ English revolutionary byname of John Cade born , Ireland died July 12, 1450, Heathfield, Sussex, Eng. leader of a major rebellion (1450) against the government of King Henry VI of England; although the uprising was suppressed, it… … Universalium
Cade's Rebellion — (1450) Uprising against the government of Henry VI of England. Jack Cade, an Irishman of uncertain occupation living in Kent, organized a rebellion among local small property holders angered by high taxes and prices. He took the name John… … Universalium
Cade, rebelión de — (1450). Sublevación contra el gobierno de Enrique VI de Inglaterra. Jack Cade, un irlandés de ocupación incierta que vivía en Kent, organizó una rebelión entre los pequeños propietarios locales disgustados con los altos impuestos y precios. Tomó… … Enciclopedia Universal