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  • innings — In cricket, innings is both singular (the first innings) and plural (the best of his three innings). In AmE, the word used in baseball has a singular form inning and a plural form innings …   Modern English usage

  • innings — ► NOUN (pl. same) (treated as sing. ) Cricket ▪ each of the divisions of a game during which one side has a turn at batting. ● a good innings Cf. ↑a good innings …   English terms dictionary

  • Innings — Ein Innings im Cricket ist ein Spieldurchgang[1], währenddessen eine Mannschaft die ganze Zeit das Schlagrecht besitzt. Im Cricket ist dieser Begriff zugleich Einzahl und Mehrzahl (ein Innings, zwei Innings, …). Ein Spiel besteht aus ein oder… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Innings — An inning, or innings, is a fixed length segment of a game in any of a variety of sports ndash; most notably cricket and baseball during which one team attempts to score while the other team attempts to prevent the first from scoring. In cricket …   Wikipedia

  • innings — UK [ˈɪnɪŋz] / US noun [countable] Word forms innings : singular innings plural innings a) a period in a cricket match during which one player or one team tries to score runs (= points) b) the number of runs (= points) a player or team scores… …   English dictionary

  • Innings — Lexique du cricket Le cricket est un sport qui dispose d un lexique complexe : les termes techniques et expressions qu on y emploie de manière spécifique sont nombreux[1]. Sommaire : Haut A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q …   Wikipédia en Français

  • innings — [[t]ɪ̱nɪŋz[/t]] N COUNT (innings is both the singular and the plural form.) An innings is a period in a game of cricket during which a particular team or player is batting. The home side were all out for 50 in their second innings …   English dictionary

  • innings — noun plural innings 1 (C) the period of time when a cricket team or player bats (bat2 (1)) 2 he/she had a good innings BrE informal used about someone who has died to say that they had a long life: It s sad. Still, she was 89 she had a good… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • innings — in|nings [ˈınıŋz] n plural innings 1.) the period of time in a game of ↑cricket when a team or player ↑bats 2.) he/she had a good innings BrE informal used about someone who has died to say that they had a long life …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • innings — noun (plural same or informal inningses) [treated as sing.] Cricket each of the divisions of a game during which one side has a turn at batting. ↘a player s turn at batting. Phrases have had a good innings Brit. informal have had a long and… …   English new terms dictionary

  • innings — [ˈɪnɪŋz] (plural innings) noun [C] a period in a CRICKET match during which one player or one team tries to score RUNS …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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