
I. Common Semitic basic form *ʾil-, god.
a. Azazel, from Hebrew ʿăzāʾzēl, perhaps corrupt for ʿăzaz-ʾēl, God has been strong (personal name);
b. bethel, from Hebrew bêt ʾēl, house of God;
c. Daniel, from Hebrew dānīʾēl, dānīyēʾl, my judge (is) God (alternatively, God has judged);
d. Ezekiel, from Hebrew yəḥezqēʾl, God has strengthened;
e. Gabriel, from Hebrew gabrîʾēl, my strong one (is) God (see gpr);
f. Ishmael, from Hebrew yišmāʿēʾl, God has heard (see šmʿ);
g. Israel, from Hebrew yiśrāʾēl, God has striven, God has saved;
h. Joel, from Hebrew yôʾēl, Yahweh (is) God;
i. Michael, from Hebrew mîkāʾēl, who (is) like God?;
j. Nathanael, from Hebrew nətanʾēl, God has given (see ntn);
k. Raphael, from Hebrew rəpāʾēl, God has healed (rəpāʾ, he has healed; see rpʾ);
l. Samuel, from Hebrew šəmûʾēl, name of God (alternatively, the name (is) God; see šm);
m. schlemiel, perhaps from Hebrew personal name šəlūmîʾēl, my well-being (is) God. a-m all from Hebrew ʾēl, God;
n. Elijah, from Hebrew ʾēlîyāhû, my God (is) Yahweh, from ʾēlî, my God, from ʾēl (see above) + , my;
o. Elisha, from Hebrew ʾĕlîšāʿ, God (is) salvation, from ʾĕl, shortened form of ʾēl, God (see above; -îšāʿ, salvation; see wṯʿ);
p. Elizabeth, from Hebrew ʾĕlîšebaʿ, my God (is) an oath, from ʾĕlî, reduced form of ʾēlî, my God (see above; -šebaʿ, oath; see šbʿ);
q. Lazarus, from Hebrew ʾelʿāzār, God has helped, from ʾel, reduced form of ʾēl, God (see above; ʿāzār, he has helped; see ʿḏr).
a. Babylon, from Akkadian bāb ili, gate of the god, from ilu, god;
b. Babel, from Hebrew bābel, from Akkadian bāb ili, Babylon (see above).
3. Enlil, from Sumerian refashioning of Semitic *ʾilil, probably “god of gods,” reduplication of *ʾil-.
II. Central Semitic extended form ʾilāh-, god.
1. Elohim, from Hebrew ʾĕlōhîm, God, plural (used as singular) of ʾĕlōah, god.
a. Allah, from Arabic allāh, the god, God, from al-, the + ʾilāh, god;
b. ayatollah, from Arabic ʾāyatu llāh, sign of God;
c. Bahaullah, from Arabic bahāʾu llāh, splendor of God;
d. olé, from Spanish, perhaps from Arabic wa-llāh, by God!. b-d all from Arabic llāh, elided form of allāh (see above).

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Universalium. 2010.

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