
To rub. Oldest form *g̑hreə₁i-, with variant (metathesized) form *g̑hreiə₁-, whence zero-grade *g̑hriə₁-, contracted to *g̑hrī- (becoming *ghrī- in centum languages).
1. grisly, from Old English grislīc, terrifying, from Germanic *gris-, to frighten (< “to grate on the mind”).
2. grime, from Middle English grime, grime, from a source akin to Middle Dutch grīme, grime, from Germanic *grīm-, smear.
3. Extended form *ghrīs-. chrism, Christ, christen, Christian; Christmas, cream, Kriss Kringle, from Greek khrīein, to anoint.
[Pokorny ghrēi- 457.]

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Universalium. 2010.

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