- protreptic
protreptic [prō trep′tik]adj.intended as instructional; didacticn.a book, speech, etc. that is protreptic
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
protreptic — PROTRÉPTIC, Ă I. adj. referitor la protreptică. II. s. f. procedeu psihoterapic sugestiv prin mijloace fizico pedagogice susceptibile de a exercita o influenţă puternică asupra bolnavului nevrotic. (< engl. protreptic/s/) Trimis de raduborza,… … Dicționar Român
protreptic — [prō trep′tik] adj. intended as instructional; didactic n. a book, speech, etc. that is protreptic … English World dictionary
Protreptic — is a mode of classical rhetoric associated originally with the Sophists who used this style in speeches for recruiting students. The philosopher would achieve this end by discussing the fallacies and deficiencies of rival schools while extolling… … Wikipedia
protreptic — noun Etymology: Late Latin protrepticus hortatory, encouraging, from Greek protreptikos, from protrepein to turn forward, urge on, from pro + trepein to turn Date: 1678 an utterance (as a speech) designed to instruct and persuade • protreptic… … New Collegiate Dictionary
protreptic — 1. adjective Serving to instruct; didactic 2. noun A didactic speech, book etc … Wiktionary
protreptic — pro·trep·tic … English syllables
protreptic — a. hortatory; doctrinal … Dictionary of difficult words
protreptic — … Useful english dictionary
Socrates and the beginnings of moral philosophy — Hugh H.Benson INTRODUCTION Cicero in Tusculan Disputations famously tells us that Socrates first called philosophy down from the sky, set it in cities and even introduced it into homes, and compelled it to consider life and morals, good and evil … History of philosophy
Ole Fogh Kirkeby — Ole Fogh Kirkeby, b. 1947, is a Danish philosopher, professor at CBS in the Philosophy of Leadership.[1] He is a Doctor of Philosophy from Aarhus University, graduated with honours, 1994, with the dissertation Event and Body mind. A… … Wikipedia