
Old Welsh

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • OWelsh — abbrev. Old Welsh …   English World dictionary

  • alum — alum1 /al euhm/, n. Chem. 1. Also called potash alum, potassium alum. a crystalline solid, aluminum potassium sulfate, K2SO4·Al2(SO4)3·24H2O, used in medicine as an astringent and styptic, in dyeing and tanning, and in many technical processes. 2 …   Universalium

  • cywydd — /ku widh/, n. Pros. a form of meter in Welsh poetry consisting of rhyming couplets, each line having seven syllables: first used in the 14th century. [1950 55; < Welsh; OWelsh couid song, metrical composition; c. OIr cubaid harmonious, rhyming] * …   Universalium

  • Enid — [ē′nid] n. [prob. < OWelsh enaid, soul, used as term of endearment] 1. a feminine name 2. Arthurian Legend the wife of Geraint: she is a model of constancy …   English World dictionary

  • geld — geld1 [geld] vt. gelded or gelt, gelding [ME gelden < ON gelda, to castrate < geldr, barren < IE base * ĝhel , to cut > OWelsh gylym, knife, ON gylta, sow, Goth giltha, scythe] 1. to castrate (esp. a horse) 2. to deprive of anything… …   English World dictionary

  • Mac- — [mak, mək, mə] [< Ir & Gael mac, son < OCelt * makkos, akin to * makwos, son > OWelsh map, Welsh mab, ap, son: see MAIDEN] prefix son of: used in Scottish and Irish family names [MacDonald]: this form and its variants Mc , Mc , M are… …   English World dictionary

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